Friday, August 25, 2006

Weigh In

Ok... We have finally moved... still unpacking but I am now back on the diet.  Weigh in yesterday was 160.2 .... YIKES!!  Although I must admit it is down a bit from when we were in the middle of the move... eating fast food 2 times a day for 2 weeks was not good.  I was up to 163.2
Yesterday hubby and I hit the fitness center .... did 30 min of cardio then some weight training.
I will post more when I get a chance.


Thursday, August 03, 2006

Weigh In

Ok...  news with this week's weigh in.  I'm holding steady... same as last week.  I will not weigh in next week due to the move.  But should be back the next Thursday to weigh in. Then once I get things settled I will start posting more frequently.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Wrong way!!!

Welp... I hit the scales yesterday.  It wasn't pleasant at all! Up to 159 now.  Definately moving in the wrong direction!!!  Not too much longer until we move... about 4 more weeks until it will be all said and done... hopefully I will get back on track then if not before then.  Boy did I pick a bad time to start this diet back!
